Ximo Roca Diseño - Diez Company

Ximo Roca Diseño

Ximo Roca (Valencia, 1958). Graduated of Applied Arts, specializing in Industrial Design in the 80's.   Coordinated various design departments for companies that have been recognized for many years.   In 1989 he created his own studio, Ximo Roca Dise & ntilde; o.   This studio provides comprehensive services, including management, product design, graphics, and interior design.
His work has been featured in prestigious magazines and in national and international design publications.   He has been part of numerous exhibitions in Spain and abroad.
He was one of 15 designers chosen to represent Spain in the EURO DESIGN book published in Tokyo in 1993 and was nominated for the International Design Award in 2001, 2002 and 2003.   He also received the Quality Award in Design at the 5th & ordf; Edition of the International Furniture Fair (FIM) for interior design in 2003.   He was nominated several times for the National Design Award.   Among the companies that produce their designs are Andreu World, Chueca and Bonstil that have received the Valencian Award for Innovation in Industrial Design.   FIM Interior Design Awards. Corian & reg; Design Award 2006 Home Installations.   Finalist in the AEPD Design Awards. ADI FAD 2007 Selection.

Ximo Roca Diseño

Ximo Roca Diseño

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Argentina Poniente
Miguel Hidalgo
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+52 55 5520.3508
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Colonia Polanco V Secc.
Miguel Hidalgo 
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Campos Elíseos 158
Colonia Polanco V Secc.
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CDMX, 11560

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