Inicio - Diez Company

Experts in lighting solutions

Diez Company provides the tools to design, develop and realize all kinds of decorative and architectural lighting projects since 2006, thanks to its team of experts.

We offer sophisticated proposals

The alliance with the most recognized international brands of decorative lighting allows us to offer a catalog of innovative and avant-garde products that set trends.


Pablo Pardo

Venezuelan industrial designer Pablo Pardo has defined his career by creating contemporary, sparse and utilitarian lighting that houses harmonious relationships between people and their environments.  In doing so, he has forged a method of design...

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Lukas Peet

Lukas Peet ejerce su profesión con una sofisticación y fluidez estética que lleva la marca de un exalumno de la Academia de Diseño Eindhoven.
Ha sido reconocido internacionalmente en una serie de premios y competencias, especialmente por ser el Gan...

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Sir Kenneth Grange

Kenneth Henry Grange (Londres, Inglaterra, 17 de julio de 1929-21 de julio de 2024) fue un diseñador industrial británico. Comenzó su ilustre carrera como ilustrador técnico mientras hacía su Servicio Nacional.  Posteriormente cre&oa...

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Joana Bover

The designer Joana Bover founded the brand that bears his last name in Barcelona, Spain, in 1996. Born from sketches on a napkin in a restaurant, the Bover brand now ships its diverse product profile around the world. Today, a team re...

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Jordi Canudas

Jordi Canudas is a Spanish industrial designer recognized for his experimental approach to creating objects and lighting. A graduate in product design from the University of Elisava and with a master's degree from the Royal College of Art in London, he founded...

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Joan Gaspar

Joan Gaspar es diseñador industrial y se inició en los años 80 en el diseño de lámparas, de la mano de Lluís Porqueras. A lo largo de su carrera, ha trabajado principalmente en el diseño de iluminación. Su pasión por ...

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Lucie Koldova

Lucie Koldova is an internationally acclaimed Czech product and furniture designer.  His collaboration with Brokis began in 2010 with the iconic lighting collections “Muffins and Balloons” who designed...

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Umut Yamac

Umut Yamac es un arquitecto y diseñador británico cuyo trabajo se caracteriza por un enfoque multidisciplinario; explorando el término medio entre la arquitectura y la luz.
Umut se graduó de la Escuela de Arquitectura Bartlett, UCL, en 2009 y estab...

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Studio Toer

Studio Toer es un colectivo de diseño multidisciplinario holandés con un fuerte enfoque exploratorio y experimental. Fundada en 2011 por Castor Bours (1984) y Wouter Widdershoven (1986); su trabajo empuja los límites técnicos y estéticos del dise&n...

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Tom Dixon

Tom Dixon is a British designer specializing in furniture design and creative director of his own eponymous firm, whose work includes iconic pieces that have It has been exhibited in museums, galleries and fairs and is inspired by the...

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Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni

Achille Castiglioni (1918-2002) estudió arquitectura en el Politécnico de Milán, donde se graduó en 1944. Se unió a sus hermanos Livio (1911-1979) y Pier Giacomo (1913-1968) en su estudio de diseño en Milán. La f...

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Rodrigo Fernández

Rodrigo Fernández Barajas es un experto en iluminación con 20 años de experiencia en el sector. Es director de Diez Company, la empresa líder en distribución de iluminación en México, la cual cofundó junto ...

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We create elegant environments

Diez Company provides tailored luminaires to enhance the environment or to star in it, whether it is a residential installation, a commercial project or a hotel complex.


We design and advise your project

Our team of experts goes beyond of offering lighting solutions, it also provides design and tailor-made services until the right product is found for the project in question.


We provide solutions

Finding the lighting product that meets the needs of the space is the mission of Diez Company, and we can do it thanks to our range of commercial allies that includes the more than 60 most prominent brands in decorative lighting of the world.

Contact information
Ingenieros Militares 70-16
Argentina Poniente
Miguel Hidalgo
CDMX, 11230
+52 55 5520.3508
Showroom Permanente Diez Company 
Campos Elíseos 136
Colonia Polanco V Secc.
Miguel Hidalgo 
CDMX, 11560
Agenda tu visita aquí

Galería Santa & Cole
Campos Elíseos 158
Colonia Polanco V Secc.
Miguel Hidalgo 
CDMX, 11560

Maison Diez Company 
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